Ciel and Sebastian continue to pursue Jack the Ripper and come to a confrontation at the house of the latest victim, Mary Jane Kelly. They discover that the murderer is a combination of Madame Red and Grell, with the latter being a Grim Reaper. While Sebastian is busy fighting Grell, Madame Red attempts to kill Ciel but hesitates and refuses to kill him. Grell kills Madame Red because of this and her life is played back before her eyes, as Grim Reapers can see a person's memories as they die. She had always been jealous of her elder sister, who married the Earl of Phantomhive, whom she loved for being kind to her. Even after her elder sister married the Earl, Madam Red still loved him. She decided to move on, and ended up marrying another man and conceiving a child. An accident killed her husband, and internal injuries caused medical staff to abort her child in order to save her. The following month she visited her sister, only to see the once great mansion in flames; colored with that red color she had hated for so long. When one of her patients approached her for an abortion, claiming children were a nuisance, Madame Red decided to kill those who would throw such a precious thing away. Later that night, she followed and killed her patient in crazed desperation. It was then that she met Grell, and the two of them murdered prostitutes that have had abortions as Jack the Ripper since then. Sebastian is then ordered by Ciel to kill Grell.